The rod pump stuffing boxes that are widely used in onshore oilfields around the world are subject to leakage even in normal operating conditions. The leakage of the oil and other byproducts of the oil production causes to serious environmental contamination, operation interruptions and maintenance downtimes.
In order to reduce leaks, increase the service life and efficiency of the rod pump stuffing box assemblies used in the Oil & Gas industry, as well as protect them from environmental impacts, together with our partner from Bahrain Mr. Akram Amin, "Azkompozit" in 2020 developed and introduced into production the composite protective devices that are resistant to high temperatures and chemical contaminants, for use in all oil companies worldwide.
The stuffing box safety case made of fiberglass composite material serves as a barrier preventing the leaking oil products to spill around the area surrounding the oilfield and therefore solving a wide range of problems:
- prevents interruptions of the pump operation due to maintenance;
- increases the period of uninterrupted operation of the pump due to continuous lubrication of the rod;
- stops environmental pollution of land;
- prevents the loss of oil products (oil products leaked from the oil seal) transported to containers for storage and further processing);
- eliminates the need for expensive cleaning work of the soil;
- increases the fire safety of the oilfield;
- protects the stuffing box housing itself from weather impacts.
The device consists of several elements that are produced independently of each other and assembled together.
In 2021, the device was patented at the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
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